Thursday, February 28, 2008

Music of the Troubadours

Music of the Troubadours

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Date 01 June, 1999

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1 - Good morning mylady. Thanks a lot for your lovely visit and put a comment on the blog Bukit Bluwek. But excuse me since I donot talk ini French, would you please respell in English. This blog published in Indonesian. Please take a look at Have a nice day. Kindly regards, fahmi. (Comment this)
Written by: ami at 2008/02/28 - 03:15:28

2 - Excuse me for a correction, it has tobe We wish link this blog onto please. Mercy boqur. (Comment this)
Written by: ami at 2008/02/28 - 03:31:16

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Tya Unique

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YM 2 Jan 2008 17.55
You currently appear offline to tya unik.

tya unik: to aLL my pren...
happy no wear 2008 ya...
FAHMI UTUN: You must be kidding me. No wear 2008??? Hehe, bisa gundal gandil kayak kuda lumping kesurupan donk Tya manisku. I wish you enjoy the warm in happiness and prosperitious new year 2008. Keep going strong in beauty.


Friday, December 07, 2007

Echa Amoroso

Did you know?
Maria Sharapova was the #2 sports searched query on Yahoo! in 2007. Find out what was #1! Explore now
YM 7 Des 2007 09.30
FAHMI UTUN: Selamat pagi Echa , tampilan avatarnya kok beda ya. Tapi tetap saja macan lho.
echa amoroso: ????????????
echa amoroso: macan maksudnya
FAHMI UTUN: Manis dan cantik bu
echa amoroso: tx
FAHMI UTUN: Duh makasih, rupanya aku gak bangunkan macan tidur
FAHMI UTUN: Guratan wajah di avatar ini dan pic FS bisa jauh beda buat menentukan origin sosok Echa .
FAHMI UTUN: Hehe, todepoin aja ya. Echa asalnya darimana? Iya tahu Jawa, tapi sebelah mana?
FAHMI UTUN: Habisnya pic Echa di FS tampak rada Sunda deh
echa amoroso: gw jawa
FAHMI UTUN: Iya tau kok. Tapi Jawa sebelah mana?
echa amoroso: sby
FAHMI UTUN: Wow, melenceng banget dugaanku ya. Pantas aja kamu cantiknya kayak Ratu Kenconowungu
FAHMI UTUN: Hehe, aku gak maksud ngerayu lho. Kan tau klo Echa dah punya pendamping
FAHMI UTUN: Selamat pagi Echa , jaga sehat kuat ceria buat sukses ya.
echa amoroso: tx
FAHMI UTUN: Dah dulu aaaaah. Ntar kamu gak mudheng klo aku kebanyakan omong kayak kicauan murai pagi aja
FAHMI UTUN: Biasa deh ih. Klo sang ratu biasa bicara sepatah dua kata kayak yang lagi di acara gunting pita aja. Cekres keseutas pita, lalu 10 sirine mengaung ngaung.
FAHMI UTUN: Ya udah daripada matak Echa bete, mendingan punakawan amit mundur aja. Sampai jumpa lagi. Wassalam.
echa amoroso: ok
FAHMI UTUN: ok (inilah bicaraku terpendek di sesi ini). Duh cantiknya (klo ini panjangan dikit.)
FAHMI UTUN: Buat kenangan akan macannya Echa di sepagi ini, chat ini kusimpan di Boleh ya.
echa amoroso: jangan d..pls
FAHMI UTUN: Kenapa??? Takut banyak yang ngerayu kamu ya?
echa amoroso: ga usah d
echa amoroso: pls ok
echa amoroso: sy meeting dulu
FAHMI UTUN: Abis akunya seneng banget sama sosok en gaya wibawa kamu kok
echa amoroso: tx anyway
FAHMI UTUN: Oh jadi ok ya. Makasih Echa . Selamat miting tapi jangan keras2 nanti bisa retak tulang leher lho.
FAHMI UTUN: Okay Echa baby (hehe maaf ketelepasan ngerayu dikit ya
echa amoroso has signed out. (12/7/2007 9:48 AM)
FAHMI UTUN: Baru juga mo jawab, e-eh Echa keburu minggat. Yo wis ben. Tapi klo Echa mau ceriterain kisah hidupmu yang mempesonaku itu. Dengan senang hati aku turuti maumu. Akan kuhapus tulisan ini demi Echa aja lho..

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tina Manis

Yahoo! Search moves you from to-do to done in only one click. Try a search for Thanksgiving Recipes..
YM 12 Nop 2007 16.32
FAHMI UTUN: Halo Tina baby, dah sembuh batuk pileknya?
tina manis: 阿是還要多久.....粉想睡了~
FAHMI UTUN: Kajeun kumaha weh oge urang mah matak panasaran hayang ngasaan ngeunahna jadi batur sakasur es koloneng gula batuy diendogan...
tina manis: 心中的一團火,要爆了~看我神拳!!
tina manis: 我在講你有沒有在聽啦~~你沒在聽嘛
FAHMI UTUN: Kunaon neng? Tibeubeut?
FAHMI UTUN: Makana ngempot hayamna ulah rosa teuing atuh
tina manis: 阿是還要多久.....粉想睡了~
FAHMI UTUN: Wuaaaahhhhh cape deh
tina manis: 阿是還要多久.....粉想睡了~
FAHMI UTUN: Matak hanjakal we geulis2 budeg teuing pireu nyah??? Untung weh bikang, asal bisa ngempot teuing goyang weh nyah...
tina manis: 阿是還要多久.....粉想睡了~
FAHMI UTUN: Sebel aing!!!!!!!!!
tina manis: 哈....有點得意忘形了!!
tina manis: 哈....有點得意忘形了!!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


YM Nov 6, 2007 15.15
FAHMI UTUN: Assalamualaikum. Wilujeng Boboran Shiyyam 1428H. Hapunten samudaya kalepatan jisim. Mugia daramang sadayana.
FAHMI UTUN: Please check out how that cute of yours at
FAHMI UTUN: Klo berkesempatan masuk deh ke http::// lihat sidebar lalu klik link Giyan.
FAHMI UTUN: Klo bisa sih kepingin nulis make bahasa Perancis biar La Petit Mademoissele Tina faham en mau nulis barang dikit ka aa. Sayang aa nya gak ngarte Francoise. Jadi sedih lagi deh.
FAHMI UTUN: Ganti lagi dunk pic cantiknya. Aa mah sukaaaaa pisan koleksi pic cantik pohaci Sangkanurip ini.
tina manis: ah masa
FAHMI UTUN: Klo ada mah yang make kebaya, duh tada temen dungdak dengdekna aa kawas dursasana.
FAHMI UTUN: Betul pisan kok neng. Jagoan madein Tinggaporenya dah gede buat jaga mama ya
tina manis: 哈....有點得意忘形了!!
FAHMI UTUN: Kepingin pisan denger suara neng Tina, yang moncor kalahka animasi. Duh apes
FAHMI UTUN: Siapa namanya anu kasep binti lucu tea?
tina manis has signed out. (11/6/2007 5:09 PM)
FAHMI UTUN: Hehe, leber temen ya. Geulis2 tapi mani ngambay siga oray koros weh.


Monday, October 22, 2007

Most Popular Outgoing Link by MyBlogLog Click Tagging.

Most Popular Outgoing Link by MyBlogLog Click Tagging.
Ranking of 75 blogs, on date Okt 22, 2007. Hours 12.00
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Blueberry, Most. *Chichi, 2nd. AstridRahayu, 3rd. BajajButut, 4th. Gaby, 5th. Holistik, 6th. Leona, 7th. PondokRipi, 8th. TebakManggis, 9th. TulasTuilis, 10th. *Ade, 11. *Adel, 12nd. *Adel1, 13rd. *Aip, 14th. *Ntiz, 15th. Aa-eman, 16th. Aip, 17th. Alifka, 18th. Beberenjen, 19th. BioNecklace, 20th. BukitBluwek, 21st. Cangehgar, 22nd. DiaryPrenster, 23rd. Fahmi, 24th. Gerlong, 25th. Iptek, 26th. Lili, 27th. ManaDimana, 28th. Mila, 29th. Mocopot, 30th. Nia, 31st. Pancakaki, 32nd. ResepAlamiah, 34th. PatLapat, 33rd. Ria, 35th. Risanti, 36th. Silsilah, 37th. Technorati, 38th. Thunder, 39th. Wisatas3, 40th.

Santa's Link Love: Santa's Link Love... Update Three
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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Most Popular Outgoing Link by MyBlogLog Click Tagging.

Most Popular Outgoing Link by MyBlogLog Click Tagging.
Ranking of 75 blogs, on date Okt 21, 2007. Hours 10.30
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*Ade, 2nd. *Adel, 3rd. *Adel1, 4th. *Antiz, 5th. Aa-eman, 6th. BajajButut, 7th. Beberenjen, 8th. BukitBluwek, 9th. Frizz, 10th. FSFahmi, 11st. Holistik, 12nd. Iptek, 13th. PatLapat, 15th. MyBlogLog, 17th. Pohaci, 18th. PondokRipi, 19th, Tanti, 20th. TebakManggis, 21st. Technorati, 22nd. Wisatas3, 23rd.

Santa's Link Love: Santa's Link Love... Update Three
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